


Thursday, 21 February 2013


So, it is the year 2013 and what I've notice that I barely blog these days. Seems like I'm going to blog back and enlighten my blog page with new entries! (I know right, my blog seems pretty outdated)
Yes, I've been keeping this blog since the year 2008. Soooooo far this is my oldest blog ever (I do have other blogs in certain websites too but I deleted them.. maybe because I was too embarassed the way how I used to blog when I was a bit younger that time) but reading back them makes me realize I'm growing old too. 2008 seems like a long time back then. Believe it or not, it makes me happy reading back my old post, reminiscing back those times.. good and the bad.

However, this year is different. 2013. A year that I experience even more outcomes and obstacles. My motivation is to stay strong in every outcomes that may happen, etting life go with a flow. If it's not meant to be, I have to accept it, if it is then it would be great. I mean I can't be selfish to choose and force the things that I want.. right?

And in that way, I have to accept every outcome and decisions. Being negative doens't lead me to any positive impact in the future. I may feel worthless but believing why it happened came to make me realize that I may be the cause of the downfall. What I've learnt so far is to find a solution and solve it without hiding because hiding leads to more misunderstanding and messed up situation. Life is short, you're capable of changing the way how you want it to be without any complication.

Don't let anyone ruin your life because it seems like you are the only one that can make a difference, and the only one that knows your own happiness.

I have my own battle to fight and I promise myself to not change for the worst but change for the better.

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